Expandable Leaderboard 728(w) x 90(h)px

Dimensions: 728(w) x 90(h) pixels [Height can expand up to 210 pixels]
(1 file should be 728x90 and the other one should be 728x210)
File size:80KB
Type: GIF / JPEG / HTML5
Video Banner:We recommend a Youtube link otherwise,
- Video file should be in the Format of /MP4/AVI placed in the server, It will be called by the actual banner.
- Video File Size can go for a maximum of 1 MB and the actual banner should have all the play controls like Play, Pause, Stop and Mute.
- Sound should be muted initially ad the video should start playing while mouse over or click.
Website: Landing page from the banner
Creative Deadline:2 working days prior to launch
Recommendation: Desktop/Tablet 150kB Web 2.0 allows for a more engaging user experience, without slowing down the Publisher page load.